General Information
Clinic Hours
We are open only on appointment. Our first appointment time is 11am, and our last appointment time is 5pm, weekend and late appointment available on request.
To make an appointment or to ask how we can help you, please call 0478 493 931, or send us an email
Arrival Time
For your first appointment we ask you to arrive 5 minutes early to fill out a medical history form. If you are running late, we appreciate a quick courtesy phone call as it will affect appointments following yours.
How long is a treatment?
We advise allowing at least one and half hour for your initial visit. If you are pressed for time, please inform us on arrival and we will adjust the length of treatment accordingly.
For your subsequent visits we recommend you allow 45 minutes to one hour.
What if I need to cancel?
We take pride in running a professional clinic and offering our patients the highest quality care possible.
We understand that at times it may be difficult to keep your appointment. To be fair to us and our other patients, all we ask is that you provide us with at least 24 hrs notice if you are unable to attend. This way we can accommodate other patients who also require treatment.
For short-notice (less than 24 hours) cancellations or missed appointments you may be charged the full appointment fee.
For our fees, please click here.